Music for a Thursday

I need music. Sometimes, I wonder if I have a slight case of narcolepsy because, unless music (and it has to be awesome) is playing in the background, I would rather crawl back into bed. . . for half a day.

But, I’m going through a very strange phase of being extremely dissatisfied with the music in my life. Ingrid Michaelson and The Script are holding strong but I am caring less and less about anyone else.

Please submit some of the stuff that you have been loving lately. Here are a few songs that I am enjoying:

Lady in Spain – Ingrid Michaelson

I woke up with this song in my head. Weird.

Beautiful Things – Gungor

I heard this song on the way home from work, one night. I nearly cried!!! What a beautiful song.

God is Not a White Man – Gungor

Who. WHOA!!!!! I just found this. Ouch. WOW! I love it.

Down to Earth – Jem

Carried to the Table – Leeland

This song makes me weep. So beautiful and lovely. Such extravagant love.

This is not music but I found Zach Anner while searching through John Mayer stuff (Do the search. You will make the connection) This video is so funny. It made me laugh, before 10am, which is not something I normally do. Enjoy!!
Zach in the Buff: Niagra Falls

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